Public Relations


In this time of the “new normal,” it is important to assess the details of your strategic communications plan to implement and ensure the success of your business in 2021.

Consider your end goal

Consider your end goal and create a plan that supports it. Is your goal to gain more social media followers and broaden your audience? Great! Now, let’s get specific. How many followers would you like to gain on which platforms? What strategies will get you to these goals? Asking specific questions like these will guide you in making a more concrete communications plan.

Engage with your stakeholders

Establish an email list for your clients. Inform them of your company’s latest news as well as products or services to look forward to within the year. Email lists are highly effective in keeping your clients in the know about your business. Offering a link within the email that will direct them to your social media platforms is an extremely helpful tool to increase social media involvement with your customers. Email also allows you to update stakeholders on your company’s progress quarterly.

Discover your audience

Who is your audience and where do they consume your content? Assessing these factors will inform the content you write and how to constructively craft your communications plan. Write in accessible language for your target audience and post in the places that they seek your content – whether it be in traditional media or on social media. Do you think print or broadcasting would reach your clientele best? Whatever the answer, start a proactive ad campaign organized with the press to get the word out about your company. If you want to branch out and try other platforms to widen or diversify your existing audience, consider starting a blog or podcast. No matter what platform you use, though, the important factor here is to speak the consumers’ language. How and where your audience consumes your content informs you of what type of content to produce.

Consider market trends

Evaluate your industry and audience when writing your communications plan. Stay informed on market trends to design an effective plan that will keep consumers in the loop and ensure your company stays ahead of the game. In addition to trends, there are also steadfast communication tools that are a must for any business. Website development is one of those tools. Currently, having a well-developed website is essential for proving your value in the market and gaining business.


In the past, what plans were valuable for your business and what plans didn’t seem to work? Evaluate these aspects to generate a more successful plan for 2021. For instance, did a virtual conference lead to more company involvement? Fantastic, be sure to build on those results this year. In 2021, an efficient strategic communications plan comprises of social media, email and media. In addition, virtual will still be a prominent element in 2021 as we continue facing the “new normal.” The key take-away for this year is to make a comprehensive yet adaptable plan for your communications strategy.

Providence has 15 years of experience creating strategic plans for our clients. Reach out to us today for a consultation!

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